How much can you trust what you're reading? Your review should come from someone who is unbiased.
Take HostGator. Unbiased HostGator reviews reveal the truth about HostGator without tainting it with opinionated feelings based on speculation or even personal experience. Unbiased reports will focus on solid facts and not ulterior motives.
There are sites who deal in these types of reviews and they can offer a HostGator review as well. Their whole premise and reputation hinge on the fact that they are delivering only the facts that they find in a way that honestly and truthfully represents the subject being reviewed.
You can give their findings much more credibility than a lot of reviews that are biased.
An unbiased review will not have a sales pitch. It will only offer the information and invite feedback and others to judge their reporting. This is where they climb toward the top in their fields, good positive feedback from the readers of what they say.
When seeking a HostGator review are the best as far as trustworthiness. But that doesn't mean that you can't trust what others have to say either. You just have to put out a little more effort to know if what they say is something you can use or not.
Hostgator reviews are not lacking, due to their popularity. They've been around since 2002, founded by Brent Oxley in a dorm room, and they're among the top ten in the world today. It's hard to spend any amount of time on the net and not hear of HostGator and the buzz, whether or negative or positive, about them.